This March, we at Streif UK achieved BOPAS accreditation for our innovative offsite manufactured timber closed panel building system. Acknowledging our commitment to excellence in offsite construction, this is another string to our quality assurance bow. Then, at May’s BOPAS Forum, we were presented with our BOPAS certificate.

What is BOPAS?

The Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) provides assurance to everyone, from developers and contractors to housing associations and homeowners. They let them know that construction systems from accredited Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) providers will follow industry best practices.

All those involved in offsite system development are rigorously audited and approved to ensure best practice is met throughout the delivery process and ensure their building systems are validated. Following assessment by BLP and LRQA across our design, manufacturing and construction processes, we’re now on the BOPAS Accreditation Database.

What does this mean?

  • BOPAS assurance — BOPAS guarantees construction systems designed, manufactured, and installed by accredited MMC providers conform to industry best practices for durability and system integrity.
  • Quality and durabilityStreif UK’s building system has been rigorously evaluated to meet the highest standards. This certification guarantees our timber closed panel buildings are built to last, exceeding 60 years or two mortgage terms!
  • Client confidence BOPAS accreditation is evidence Streif UK has developed a validated construction system, backed by a delivery process adhering to industry best practices. Consistent and proficient service is assured for our clients.

Essentially, Streif UK’s BOPAS-certified building system combines sustainability, efficiency and quality.

Streif building system being precision engineered offsite

Streif UK at the Forum

On 22 May, we attended the BOPAS Forum at Horizon British Offsite in Essex, for a rewarding day of industry insight and networking.

British Offsite’s Shaun Weston kicked off the bi-annual event by highlighting the efficiency gains of offsite construction — a 20-30% increase in delivery speed.

Dirk Vennix presented on the history of BOPAS, underlining how BOS, LRQA, and BLP provide assurance and confidence in offsite solutions. While round table discussions addressed the challenges and opportunities within the MMC sector. And we finished with a tour of the Horizon Factory.

The best part of the day for the Streif UK team was having our BOPAS certificate presented to Managing Director, Bill Treves, who said:

“We wanted to achieve the highest standard of industry accreditation for our building system and we believe our new BOPAS certificate offers just that.

“Covering all areas of building durability, design, manufacture and erection, the BOPAS accreditation is well established, rigorous and recognised as the go-to standard for offsite system providers.”

Are you looking for a high standard sustainable building project with BOPAS assurance? Contact Streif UK and one of our technical team will be happy to help.