Another residential project which STREIF built in 2014 for a private client which was designed by Martin Critchell Architects. Waters Edge is a modern villa style property situated along a quiet cul de sac on a private estate in East Preston, West Sussex, just a stones throw from the sea. The large private house was designed to cater for the needs of two generations of family with additional accommodation attached for an on site carer plus an indoor fitness pool.
The design incorporated large areas of glazing to soak up the sea views, these required window and door systems which were able to withstand all the British weather would throw at them. STREIF supplied and installed off-site high performance German U-PVC units from Ideal Aluplast with low U-values to ensure the glazing matched the performance of the rest of the building. This build highlights the suitability of the STRIEF closed panel system for even the most exposed sites as the 565 m² development went up rapidly achieving a weatherproof structure in less than six days, exactly as required given the site location.
The building which was rendered externally and finished with a warm deck flat roof has large terraces at first floor level across the whole of the back of the dwelling making sure the client can make the most of the beautiful coastal outlook. The house is a fine example of when modern architecture and modern methods of construction combine to create an outstanding building.